We had so much fun and holiday treats during our "Silent Game Night." What a great & festive way to put our ASL skills into practice. We played board games, card games and old and new skills games -- all in silence! Sign language is a great way to communicate with our friends!

Breakfast with Santa

Look who spent the morning at St Anthony School today - Santa and the Elf Squad!

Don't forget to come have "Breakfast with Santa" tomorrow morning in the school cafeteria. Santa can't wait to see you!

Save the Date! Our annual Mardi Gras Gala is fast approaching. We'd love for you to join us at the 24th annual Gala on Saturday, February 3, 2024 to support St Anthony Cathedral Basilica School. #SACBS #mardigras

"Back to the Table" with our fabulous Faculty and Staff. #sacbs #DioceseofBMT #backtothetable

This year, #iGiveCatholic on GivingTuesday is November 28!
We welcome you to give back before the big day to support St. Anthony Cathedral Basilica School. Simply visit the link or scan the QR code between November 13 -27 during our Advanced Giving phase! #iGiveCatholic #SACBS

As we honor all Veterans today, we thank you for your bravery and service and pray for God's choicest blessings be with you today and always.

The Book Fair is right around the corner! We're so excited to preview and see so many books. Come shop the Fair with us all next week, November 13-17, 2023. #sacbs #bookfair

We all had a blast at the Beaumont Children's Museum and a visit to the Fire Museum. Oh what a day!

We had lunch on the City Hall Pavilion. Councilman Chris Durio, Councilman AJ Turner, and Chief Singletary even came out to meet us!

Thank you Mr Greer and Ms Jo. We loved storytime and spending time with you in the Beaumont Public library!

Starting our day with Mayor West. #sacbs #BMT #mayorwest

Starting our day with Mayor Roy West. What a blessing to have the Mayor join us for morning prayer! #sacbs #BMT #mayorwest

Giving Tuesday is right around the corner! Save the date and help support our school.

National Vocations Awareness Week
Our students are sponsoring our Diocesan Seminarians in prayer this year. May God continue to guide and lead all those discerning their vocation to the Priesthood, Diaconate, and Religious life.

On this Solemnity of All Saints, we are reminded to create holy moments to offer praise to God and work on becoming the future saints of the City of Beaumont. #sacbs #allsaintsday

5th & 6th grade loved using their Makey Makey kits to create their Red Ribbon Week music! #sacbs #makeymakey #STEM

The cooker's fired up and the meals are ready! Come get your Chicken dinners today between 11:00 am - 4:00 pm and support our school. Winner winner, Chicken dinner! #sacbs #chicken dinner